You can get rid of stubborn belly fat for you with two simple strokes.

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A rising meat will rise in the waist and abdomen, and the meat will rise faster, but it will be difficult to lose it. Especially in the winter, the meat on the abdomen has been stacked several layers. It is not an easy task to get rid of it. Is there no way ? If you want to get rid of it, in addition to the combination of the diet, it is also indispensable in sports. The following teaches you two strokes of thin abdomen movement, the big belly disappears quickly.

The first trick: the belly method:

Practice: The body stands naturally and the feet are close together. Gently stack the palm of your left hand on the back of your right hand and gently put your hands under your heart. The overlapping hands are slowly pushed clockwise from the bottom of the heart to the waist, and pushed around the waist for about 3 minutes.

Note: When doing this action, you must master the rhythm, slowly push it at the waist according to the corresponding rhythm, and it is best to insist on doing it every morning and evening, so that the effect of thin waist will be more obvious.

Efficacy: This action is mainly to accelerate the circulation process of the lumbar lymph fluid by pushing the abdomen, and at the same time speed up the peristalsis in the stomach, so it can play a significant thin waist. At the same time, it can also stimulate the nerve endings of the waist, so that the waste in the body is discharged in the form of sweat glands, so that the fat in the waist is quickly discharged.

The second measure: tapping the belly method:

The body naturally stands upright and the body relaxes. The fingers of both hands are gently folded together and bent into the shape of an arch. The left and right hands alternately pat the belly of the waist in the form of a hollow palm, which can be beaten for about 5 minutes each time.

Note: When tapping the waist, the hands must be in the form of a hollow palm to pat, so that there is no pain in the waist. In addition, you should pay attention to the rhythm when tapping, and continuously slam the fat in the waist in the rhythm. This action is best done when walking every night, so the effect on thin waist will be better.

Efficacy: This action of tapping the waist is mainly to make the waist carry out rapid metabolism through continuous tapping, and activate the fat fat in the waist, so that the fat can be quickly decomposed and digested, thereby reducing the accumulation of fat in the waist and reaching the thin waist. the goal of.

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