Hair removal tips, sexy skin is exposed

With the rising temperature in summer, hair removal and sun protection have become the skin care keywords of many beauty lovers. Whether you choose a razor, beeswax or a hair removal cream, there are 7 tips for hair removal to keep in mind!

Hair removal tips, sexy skin is exposed

Tip 1: Depilation first exfoliation

Exfoliate before each depilation, which prevents dead skin cells from "blocking" the razor, which means it can prevent possible cuts. Therefore, it is best to use a gentle scrub to exfoliate before depilation.

Tip 2: Grasp the hair removal time

Whether you use hair removal cream or hair removal foam or hair removal wax , it is best to bathe after bathing because the temperature and steam can make the hair soft and open the pores, while the hair is softened and it is easier to scrape. In addition to shedding, the skin does not produce such a strong discomfort after hair removal.

Tip 3: Don't forget to use hair removal foam

Just like the shaving foam used by men, the lubrication of the foam is very important for good hair removal, but we are not talking about ordinary soap bubbles but special hair removal foam or a small amount of conditioner. Because the soap will take away the moisture of the skin, and the conditioner can provide moisture, making the hair removal process smoother.

I believe that everyone can't tolerate the thick hair and scream the scenery! The silky beauty of summer will start from hair removal, which requires a hair removal product suitable for you!

Tip 4: Both legs should be sunscreen

The skin after hair removal is more susceptible to UV rays, so don't forget to apply sunscreen to your legs, and remember to choose a moisturizing, non-greasy product.

Tip 5: Moisturizing is the key

Keep your legs moisturized! When the skin on your legs is dry, apply a moisturizing lotion in time. This helps reduce the chance of hair ingrowth and rash.

Tip 6: Care for the skin of the hair removal area

After depilation, the texture of the skin will become irregular, and the keratin barrier will be damaged during the depilation process. Therefore, after depilation, use some repair products, such as special care products or essential oils, to relieve the discomfort of the skin. A small skin lesion that is difficult to see with the naked eye.

Tip 7: Not all time is suitable for hair removal

It is best not to use hair removal products when the skin is swollen, reddened by the sun, acne and skin damage, which will increase the burden on the skin, and it is best not to use hair removal products during the menstrual period because the skin is at this time. The condition is very unstable and is extremely sensitive to external stimuli and pain. >>> Xiaobian tells you what skin care products are used for sensitive skin

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