Hives keep climbers tickling

As long as the proper measures are taken, it is completely possible to avoid outdoor activities due to skin allergies.

[Reported by this reporter] (Shenzhen Commercial Daily reporter Li Bo) Mr Wu, who enjoys outdoor sports, encountered an inconvenience. A few days ago, he asked some friends to climb Wutong Mountain. Before going up the hill, he went to the top of the mountain. Suddenly, he was very itchy, and he also gave birth to a lot of little red dragonflies, which made him miserable. Shortly after going down, all the symptoms disappeared. The same situation happened again when he climbed the hill again a few days later. When I went to the hospital to see a doctor, I was diagnosed as having cystic urticaria, the main cause of which was a lot of exercise and skin allergies caused by sweating. Mr. Wu wanted to know: Is it that he cannot participate in similar outdoor sports in the future?

In response, the reporter consulted Dr. Zhang Xiaoqing, deputy director of dermatology at Luohu Hospital. Dr. Zhang said that spring and summer are the season of high incidence of skin allergies such as urticaria. Every day, more than 50% of the patients who come to the dermatology department are skin allergies. Outdoor sports, it is very prone to skin allergies, but the disease is not without medicine, proper measures can completely avoid the skin allergies affect outdoor sports mood.

There are three main causes of urticaria

According to Dr. Zhang Xiaoqing, there are three main causes of urticaria: First, it is the type of biliary urticaria caused by sweating after a lot of exercise. Mr. Wu mentioned above is the reason. Some physical education teachers and students also have physical education. This type of urticaria can occur. The second is urticaria caused by pollen allergy. At present, this season is the season of wild flowers. In addition, Shenzhen is evergreen throughout the year and wildflowers are everywhere. This type of urticaria is also more common; there is also food allergy. The resulting urticaria, especially due to eating seafood, mushrooms, beef and mutton, dog meat and other diseases caused by more.

Because of different people's physique, the cause of the disease is also different, and the degree of symptoms after the illness is different. Some people may have little or no allergies, while others may have a slight chance of developing symptoms.

Urticaria is not an incurable disease, there are many drugs on the market

Dr. Zhang specifically introduced the external symptoms of different symptoms of urticaria: mild, there is a bit of itchy skin, can be patient, the skin rash is relatively small; moderate symptoms, more rash, edema of edema, itching unbearable; serious Those who have chest tightness and shock. However, the proportion of this situation is one thousandth, and timely medication can be completely avoided. At present, the number of rashes in hospitals is mostly low.

Because of the special predisposing cause of urticaria, it is difficult to avoid or prevent it. However, in addition to itching, the disease does not pose any danger to human life. So you don't have to panic about this disease.

For friends who often participate in outdoor sports and have skin allergies, Dr. Zhang proposed the following suggestions:

First, the bag is often prepared for the treatment of urticaria hydroxy-Qin antihistamines, such as the common pharmacy common Citellin, chlorpheniramine, Kai Rui Tan, Mindi, Pan Zhilin and so on. However, it should be noted that some drugs can cause symptoms of drowsiness, and they should be read clearly when taking them, so as not to affect work and endanger safety.

Second, for urticaria caused by food and pollen allergy, it can be cured. Through skin tests or blood tests, allergens are detected, and then desensitization methods are used to fundamentally solve the skin's allergic reactions to allergens. Despite some trouble, they can be used once and for all.

How to deal with poisonous insect bites

Summer heat and humidity, a variety of poisonous insects, plus people exposed parts of the skin are also more people are vulnerable to bite by insect attacks. Most people who have been bitten by poisonous insects do not have fever or other systemic symptoms. In the event of edema, they usually disappear within 2 to 3 days. Local inflammation may occur if the skin is damaged and bacteria invade.

Mosquito bites can be wiped out of Hexaflor water, or applied with 10% ammonia solution, balm, cool oil, etc.

For bee stings, the bees should be pulled out first, then coated with 75% alcohol or smashed with fresh purslane, wild chrysanthemum, etc. and then applied to the affected area.

Immediately after the bite, rinse with soap and water, then apply realgar and alum into powder and add water to dip the affected area for 10 to 20 minutes.

Scorpion sting injury, can be used after fresh roots mash mashing the affected area, 1 or 2 times a day. Infected skin can be treated with antibiotics.

After the rice field or the pond is bitten by a grasshopper, it can be shot by hand or flushed out of the grasshopper with a dry bag of water (but also soaked in water).

People are bitten by poisonous insects. If the injury is particularly serious, they should go to the doctor immediately.

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