New-style mahogany furniture is becoming more popular.

Recently, many redwood fans have discovered that some new-style mahogany products have quietly appeared on the market – they are red wood, but they seem to be closer to modern life in form and function. However, for this kind of furniture, there are differences of opinion among the insiders. Some people think that the new-style mahogany furniture is the future development direction, but some people think that this is only to cater to the short-lived hobbies of young people. Experts remind that when consumers buy such furniture, in addition to considering the appearance, it is also necessary to consider whether the quality of the product is in place and whether it is comfortable enough to use.

Look at the material first and then look at the comfort.

In combination with the industry's point of view, before buying mahogany furniture, the first thing consumers want to measure is the motivation for buying mahogany furniture. If it is expected to be able to maintain value in addition to decoration and use, then in the current situation, It is recommended to buy traditional mahogany furniture, which is more insurance.

If you decide to buy new mahogany furniture, you don't just focus on the design. Zheng Yuexia pointed out that among the manufacturers of new-style mahogany furniture, there are many people who use non-red wood quality. If you buy modern furniture that cannot be preserved and added value with the price of mahogany furniture, "Isn't that a waste?" She believes that consumption The first thing to determine is whether the use of mahogany. Secondly, the new mahogany furniture is a product designed by various merchants. It is not a traditional mahogany home with a fixed style. Consumers should experience the feeling of sitting down and see if comfort is enough.

Market trends

New-style mahogany furniture is increasingly sought after

In the mahogany furniture store, in addition to the traditional Qing Dynasty, Ming Dynasty mahogany furniture, there is a modern design of mahogany furniture quietly rises. Compared with traditional mahogany furniture, this mahogany furniture is modern in design, light in appearance, and has some charm of classical furniture, but it seems to be more in line with the needs of modern people in the eyes of some consumers. This mahogany furniture is called "new pie mahogany furniture."

According to the reporter's understanding, the current Qingmutang, which focuses on the design of modern mahogany furniture, and some traditional mahogany furniture companies are trying to launch "new-style mahogany furniture" that is more popular among young people. For example, Xuan Ming Dian, which advocates inheritance and innovation, has launched a series of “new Chinese-style mahogany furniture” this year, which has been unveiled at the North Fourth Ring store; Jinfei Redwood is also aimed at some young consumers. In the month, some new products of red wood quality based on European furniture were introduced. Some traditional enterprises developed one or two pieces of new mahogany furniture, which were gradually put into the product.

Industry perspective

Inheritance or innovation also depends on market validation

The emergence of this new category has also caused some controversy in the industry. Some people believe that mahogany furniture should inherit ancient culture, craftsmanship and history, otherwise it will not be called mahogany furniture; others believe that innovation is ok, but it needs to be constitutional, it should be "inheritance innovation", instead of redwood quality Used to make a variety of Western-style furniture; others believe that this is only a transitional product of the young consumer group.

Then, compared with traditional mahogany furniture, what is the difference between the new-style mahogany furniture in terms of customer group, design, style, materials, use function, and value-added collection? With the growth of young consumer groups, will new furniture be in the future with traditional mahogany? Furniture courts are courtesy? People in the industry have high opinions on these issues.

Inheritance of innovation is valuable

â—ŽJin Xinjian, Chairman of Jinfei Redwood Furniture

Classical mahogany furniture pays attention to the Chinese culture that has been inherited for hundreds of years. It combines the skills of skilled craftsmen, has a unique realm and level, and has more potential for appreciation than the new furniture. Its main consumer group is successful people aged 40-60. Although some young people like new mahogany furniture, I think that after they reach a certain age, they will still like traditional mahogany furniture. After all, the classical mahogany has a long history and culture.

However, it is necessary to innovate classical mahogany furniture on the basis of inheritance. For example, we make the chair curved and comfortable, and carry out some innovations in styles and functions, but if we completely abandon the culture, we will make it Western-style. The product is a bit scented. The new style of mahogany is more about retaining Chinese elements in design, combined with some Western-style designs, and more like the young people's likes. Considering the level and level of consumption, such furniture generally uses a slightly lower grade of wood.

The new one is taking the design route.

â—Ž Zheng Yuexia, General Manager of Qingmutang Beijing

The new-style mahogany furniture is taking the design route, and the consumer group is younger. In addition to emphasizing design, Qingmutang's furniture also considers the aesthetic needs and ergonomics of modern people and sees how to use it more comfortably. Some of the new furniture are mainly aesthetic, mainly pay attention to good looks, and some new furniture are mainly made of red wood quality according to the style of European furniture, and more brands can customize mahogany furniture according to the needs and design of consumers. Although they are all "new-style mahogany furniture", there are actually differences.

As far as preservation is concerned, the most important assessment standard for the current value of preservation is the material. For added value, more consumers will choose classical mahogany furniture. Qingmutang uses the large-flowered red sandalwood (commonly known as Burmese rosewood), although it will add value, but its amplitude and speed are not as good as other expensive wood species. New furniture will continue to introduce new products, on the one hand, for cost reasons, on the other hand, it will also take into account the degree of consumer acceptance, generally do not use too expensive materials, although the value-added range is not satisfactory, but the phase Compared with the classical mahogany furniture of the same material, the price is relatively cheaper, which can be regarded as an advantage.

The appreciation space of the two is completely different

â—Ž Yang Yan, Chairman of Beijing Huanglinyuan Classical Furniture Co., Ltd.

Huanglinyuan is a kind of Jingzao furniture, which is a kind of traditional mahogany furniture. It continues the traditional craftsmanship in the craft. The material also uses the traditional old-fashioned - red sandalwood, huanghuali and old rosewood. The new mahogany furniture uses a completely different process, and the materials are also very complicated. In addition, it is completely different from the appreciation space of traditional mahogany furniture, and some even have no appreciation space.

Some people say that the use of traditional mahogany furniture is not enough, but I think it is not the case at all. Traditional mahogany furniture has been circulating for hundreds of years and is sufficiently ornamental and practical. The emergence of the new-style mahogany furniture is only in line with the young people with some economic foundations, and the style is slightly more modern.

New redwood will impact the traditional market

â—Ž Fu Junmin, Chairman of Xuan Ming Dianju

The new-style mahogany furniture is more of a new Chinese-style mahogany furniture, which mainly absorbs the modern aesthetic orientation and modern life needs, has a unique design experience and its own craft needs, and more meets the modern people's comfort requirements for mahogany furniture. It is now more and more popular among young consumers.

As for the difference between the two, I feel that the current mahogany furniture market is still a deformed market. Consumers pay more attention to whether furniture uses precious materials. The appreciation is mainly due to the scarcity of materials and materials. As a result, the value of design and craft is not reflected. The design of the new mahogany furniture is not sensitive to materials. More attention is paid to whether the wood and wood color meet the requirements of modern aesthetics, living atmosphere and family members. From the value of materials, there may be no material value of traditional mahogany furniture. High, but whether the design has ideas, whether it can touch the human mind and soul, will reflect its value, that is another matter.

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