The wrong running posture is easy to strain the muscles, and the correct running posture keeps you in good shape.

    When summer arrives, running becomes the first choice for crushing body to lose weight. However, inaccurate running posture and running habits will not only increase the resistance of the body, cause muscle strain, but also make your weight loss plan half the battle. Let's share the n small tips for anti-sports injuries, run right enough to run out of health!


Running is a popular form of exercise. Many people like to run but don't know how to run correctly. It is important to master the correct running posture and running habits. Next, let's take a look at what is the right running posture and habit.

1 , head and shoulders are stable. The head and shoulders should be stable during running and should not shake your head. Both eyes should look ahead and the shoulders should be relaxed.

2 , the body is straight. The body trunk from the neck to the abdomen should remain naturally upright, do not bend over or hurry, and the amount of shaking should not be too large. This position helps to maintain a smooth breathing, body balance and stride coordination.


3 , front and rear swing arm. When running, it is very important to swing the arm naturally. The left and right swing of the hand should not exceed the midline of the body, and the up and down swing cannot be higher than the chest. During the swinging of the arm, the fingers, wrists and arms should be relaxed, and the elbows are bent about 90 degrees, close to the sides of the body.

4 , gently clenched. When running, your hands should be naturally lightly held. Tightening the fist will cause the forearm muscles to tighten, which will hinder the normal movement of the shoulder. When running, don't hold the phone, MP3 or bottle in your hand, otherwise it will cause the body to sway, unable to maintain the correct upright position and increase the chance of injury.

5 , the pace is short. Once the pace is too large, there will be a feeling of stretching forward when running, which will cause destructive pressure and easily cause sports injuries. During the daily running process, the pace does not have to be too large, and it is appropriate to have a footing point of 33 cm in front of the body. Suddenly increasing the pace can easily lead to injury to the Achilles tendon. After landing, the toes should have a "grip feeling", and the body should lean forward at the same time to slow the impact of the foot and the ground. The smaller the impact, the less the risk of injury to the ankle and its joints.


6. Go straight ahead. When running, it is best to avoid lateral movements of the legs. The side swinging legs are not only superfluous, but are also prone to knee injuries. The correct posture should be that the thigh is moving straight ahead.

7 , a small degree of twisting. During the running, the ankle is twisted about 5 to 7 degrees. If the degree of twisting exceeds 10 degrees, it is easy to cause problems such as sacral syndrome ( lateral knee pain ) or muscle strain in the back of the thigh.

8 , 180 steps per minute. A number of studies have confirmed that about 180 steps per minute are ideal for daily running exercises. Otherwise, the impact of the body and the ground will increase, causing pain in the knee joint.

9 , change sports shoes. When the sneakers are worn for too long, the insole elasticity will be weakened, and the cushioning effect will be lost, which will easily lead to joint damage. It is recommended to change the pair of new sports shoes every 480~800 kilometers . However, the specific situation should be based on factors such as weight. The greater the weight, the shorter the life of the sneakers. You can divide your weight by 75,000 (1 kg ≈ 2.2 lbs ) and get the maximum number of miles per run (1 mile ≈ 1609 m ) .

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