Strengthen the status and role of printed materials distribution industry

The printing industry is a sunrise industry that develops in parallel with the economy. With the formation of a system of free circulation of goods under the socialist market economy, the management and prices of printed materials have been completely liberalized, and state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises should establish a position in the printing industry. Some status plays an important role.

First, printing materials companies face severe challenges

1. The competition is becoming increasingly fierce.

Under the market economy system, during the planned economy, the pattern of the state-owned printing materials enterprises dominating the world was broken, and a diversified structure of printing materials circulation ownership was formed, and the market competition became fiercer. Competition is first and foremost the competition among material distribution companies. This is a competition for sales and competition for users. Nowadays, not only state-owned enterprises, but also many collective enterprises and private enterprises participate in the competition in the printed materials circulation industry. Since there are no geographical restrictions, printed materials distribution companies must not only compete with local companies, but also compete with companies in other regions. Second, because there are no obvious boundaries in production, circulation, and use, printed materials distribution companies are also facing competition from manufacturers and printers. This is a competition for currency, expensive sales, bargaining, and bargaining. Production companies rely on their inherent production advantages and continuous enhanced information links to establish their own operating companies in various places, form a business network, and sell their products directly to users; large printing companies also set up operating companies by virtue of their large usage advantages. , Internal is its own supply department, and the external is the business unit, in order to fight for lower prices, and to sell extra materials outside. The direct involvement of production companies and users has severely displaced the living space of printed materials distribution companies.

2. The pressure of market changes.

In the past, due to the rapid development of the printing industry, there are many varieties of printing supplies in short supply, and as long as material companies have mastered the resources, they can have better results. There are no products that are in short supply. The printing industry is in the buyer's market. Users have higher requirements for material supply. In addition to receiving materials in a timely manner, they also require corresponding satisfaction in services, prices, and information.

3. The operating efficiency of printed materials distribution companies is not optimistic.

In the face of direct and severe challenges from the market, printed materials circulation enterprises, especially many state-owned enterprises, have not prepared for the battle. The scale of business operations has been shrinking and economic efficiency has declined. From a nationwide perspective, state-owned printing materials companies in the packaging and light industry are basically in a loss situation, and the development of state-owned printing materials companies in the news publishing industry is unbalanced. According to the report statistics of recent years, the state-owned printing materials companies in the press and publication industry are roughly divided into three categories. The first type is companies that are very profitable. They mainly rely on policy support and undertake the task of supplying paper for primary and secondary school textbooks in the region, and use them to carry out business such as pulp and other related materials. They can obtain better benefits and have greater accumulation, which is the pillar of the benefits of printing materials industry. There is another type of company that is generally flat. They have a better foundation and the mechanism is faster. Although there is not much policy support, it can still be maintained. The other type is companies with losses or serious losses. They have neither policy support nor good conversion of operating mechanisms, and they have a heavier burden.

Although foreign companies, joint ventures, and private companies in the printed materials circulation industry occupy the first opportunity for flexible mechanisms and unblocked information channels, many companies are still barely maintaining, and only a small part of them are in good operating conditions.

4. The operation of state-owned printing materials distribution companies is seriously flawed.

These defects are manifested in the following: First, the lack of motivation mechanism, which shows that the company's interests are not closely related to the company's operating results, and the interests of employees are not closely related to their work performance; second, the state-owned printing materials companies have been directly implemented by the planned economy in the past. After changing to the current market participants, they are far away from the market economy in terms of business awareness and business style. In particular, there is a lack of down-to-earth business philosophy and a sense of struggle for competition. Third, the management of state-owned printing materials distribution enterprises has been lagging behind. Outdated management and extensive operations have caused a large amount of material damage, backlogs, and bad debts, which have created a heavy burden. Because there are many ways to manage deaths and there are few methods to manage them, and there is no corresponding overall operation system, the state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises are lagging behind in information and the price information is distorted, and they cannot fully understand the changes in market demand.

At present, state-owned printing materials companies have lost control over the majority of printing materials and their main channels have disappeared. Although printed materials companies in many provinces (cities) are still leading the region in terms of assets and total sales, state-owned enterprises have lagged behind non-state-owned enterprises in terms of specific business varieties, specifications, and market share. The influence of the state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises on the market has become weaker and weaker.

Second, strengthen the status and role of state-owned printing materials enterprises

In the process of commodity circulation, middlemen perform agglomerating (products that are required for a planned procurement target market), balancing (adjusting the supply and demand balance of commodities in terms of variety, quantity, and time, etc.) and proliferation (appropriate methods for spreading goods to The basic functions of the user to achieve sales). At the same time, middlemen also play a role as a commodity exchange medium, simplifying the circulation of goods and communicating the relationship between production and demand. Printed materials companies are middlemen. From the perspective of the basic functions and roles of middlemen, with the development of the printing industry and the deepening of market economy, printed materials companies will not only disappear, but will also play an increasingly important role. At this stage, state-owned printing materials companies should take advantage of all favorable conditions to plan, take the initiative, consciously adjust and self-improvement as early as possible, take active and prudent measures, give full play to effective assets and quality resources, and create a broader arena for themselves. Survival and development space.

1. Deepen the reform of the property rights system and establish new operating mechanisms.

Under the conditions of a market economy, if companies want to survive and seek development, they must establish property rights and operating mechanisms that are compatible with their living environment. Printing materials companies are all small and medium-sized enterprises, and the industry is highly competitive. The vast majority of state-owned enterprises can hardly play the role that the state-owned economy should have. State-owned printing materials circulation enterprises should firmly implement the strategy of “doing something wrong” and “having progress and retreat”; a single state-owned company should gradually shift to a multi-faceted investment, making the mechanism more flexible. The powerful state-owned printing materials enterprises must actively involve in the structural adjustment of the printing industry and seek greater development. The state-owned enterprises that have heavy burdens and bad assets, but still have a certain foundation and potential must be revived through restructuring, alliances, leasing, contract management, joint-stock reform, and sales.
2. Business ideas must be updated.

Business concept is the basic thinking method and guiding ideology of all business activities of the company. Only by establishing a modern business concept, can we establish a reasonable organization in accordance with the requirements of the market economy, effectively use human, material and financial resources to achieve the best economic benefits. The state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises must adapt to the objective requirements of the development of the situation, constantly update their business concepts, seek new ideas that meet the requirements of the times, and promote the development of enterprises and the overall modernization of the industry.

1) Establish a marketing concept for the big market. For the marketing environment in which companies are located, companies not only simply adapt, but exert influence. To consider the factors of political rights and public relations, not only to work hard on marketing, but also to win the support and cooperation of those in power and related groups.

2) Establish the concept of fair competition. The market economy makes enterprises with different statuses and different ownership systems face the same competition conditions and are on the same starting line. This requires state-owned printing materials companies to establish the concept of fair competition, to eliminate the dependence on policy-based businesses, to have a sense of crisis and urgency, with the psychological quality and ability in the development of difficulties and danger in times of peace.

3) Establish the concept of operating according to law and stressing credibility. Workers of state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises must understand and master the relevant laws, regulations, decrees and regulations involved in the circulation of materials, understand and master the party’s relevant principles, policies, and internal rules and regulations of the company. Act, to eliminate illegal behavior. State-owned printing materials companies should strengthen the concept of famous stores, implement brand strategy, and maintain a good corporate image and reputation.

4) Establish innovative ideas. The spirit of innovation is the company’s greatest potential spiritual strength and the secret to its success. Compared with ordinary commercial enterprises, the market competition and service concept of printed materials circulation industry are relatively weak, and the market competition and service concept are the basic conditions for circulation enterprises to establish themselves in the market. The state-owned printing materials companies should focus on the needs of users, and according to the different needs of different users, categorize them with thoughtful and meticulous services, and use sincere services in exchange for user returns. Printing materials distribution companies are the bridges connecting manufacturing enterprises and users. Therefore, the establishment of knowledge values ​​of printing materials companies should be linked to organically through knowledge services, so that knowledge factors can be continuously fused into business activities. Employees of state-owned printing materials companies need to not only master the knowledge within their own business scope, but also update their knowledge more extensively to lay a solid knowledge base for the efficient operation of their own business activities. Only by continuous innovation and breakthrough can we achieve a modern level of management in order to better serve our customers and enhance our market competitiveness.

3. Business information modernization.

State-owned printing materials companies must establish a modern information collection, processing, storage, and transmission system based on computers and modern communication technologies to realize the scientific and automated information flow. We must make full use of information advantages to quickly capture market information and conduct comprehensive management of enterprises so that the demand for product, service, and information integration can be met.

4. Build core competitiveness.

The core competitiveness of an enterprise is the core element, core process, and core product collection, and it is the key to the company's long-term stable competitive advantage. The state-owned printing materials companies should select core elements in the elements of manpower, materials, capital, equipment, technology, information, and services according to their actual conditions, highlight the position of core elements in business activities, and make core elements and other basic elements organic. combine together. It should fundamentally change its long-standing process that has been ignored and establish its core processes. On this basis, it establishes core products that correspond to its core elements and core processes. State-owned printing materials companies can only form their core competitiveness by organically combining core elements, core processes, core products and operational mechanisms according to their own characteristics.

5. Develop qualified business managers.

Business activities are grasped and controlled by people. They are also promoted and developed by people. People's intelligence, quality, potential and creativity are the decisive factors in winning the competition in business activities. The reform of the property rights system of enterprises and the subsequent follow-up measures for the reform of the property rights system all require qualified business managers. The state-owned printing materials circulation enterprises must overcome the “short sightedness, prejudice, and prejudice” of employing people, establish the concept of respecting talented people, establish a mechanism for attracting talented people, retaining talented people, and giving play to the role of talented people, and regard the cultivation of qualified business managers as a priority in their work. The most important thing.

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