How to Scan the Ancient Wisdom Crystals in Ancient Chinese Paintings

The ancient books and paintings in the museum are an ancient art. Ancient people express their emotions through reading, painting, etc., condense their inner strength, and finally form a culture. Chinese people have loved the art of calligraphy and painting since ancient times. In the long history, they have left great cultural wealth for future generations. However, in many museums, the phenomenon of the destruction of paintings and paintings caused by protection and mismanagement has appeared in various degrees, which has caused great losses to our country’s historical and cultural wealth. Through investigation and research, it was found that in addition to human factors, these ancient books and paintings also caused damage to ancient paintings of these paintings due to factors such as humidity, air, and mildew. After a period of research, we finally found a solution to the problem. We hope to help everyone. China is an ancient civilization with a history of 5,000 years. In the long history, the ancestors left us with valuable cultural wealth with their hard work and wisdom. As an ancient art, calligraphy and painting has been advancing with the development of Chinese culture. In ancient China, people began to protect and manage these paintings and paintings. The Yuntai built by the Ming Emperor of the Eastern Han Dynasty and the Lingyan Pavilion built by Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty were the places where the paintings and paintings were protected and the prototypes of modern museums. The construction of these residences was also It has brought a lot of inspiration and reflection to the protection and management of modern museums. The museum is a place that can cross time and space. Through the rich and precious historical collections of museums, people can discover the context and pace of history and feel the tremendous role culture plays in human development. China is a country with a history and culture of more than 5,000 years. In the course of historical development, ancient people left us with rich cultural treasures. However, many valuable cultural treasures have suffered various degrees of damage due to war, natural factors and other factors. This issue has always been a problem for collectors of calligraphy and painting. The main materials for calligraphy and painting are paper, paper, and various accessories. These materials are all organic materials. Natural factors such as humidity, temperature, light, and harmful gases can cause these organic materials to decompose, resulting in yellowing and blooming of the paper. , mildew and so on. Therefore, compared with ceramics, jade, and other ancient products, ancient paintings need our protection and management. Book2net has been working closely with customers in various industries to develop our scanning system. These customers come from archives, libraries, aerospace, surveying and data processing companies to ensure the best balance between heritage conservation, ecology and economy. We have developed high-performance A0, double A0 large-format book2net hornet scanners designed for large-volume scanning of large-sized, inconvenient, or very heavy objects, such as bundled newspapers, large-format map books, leather, and stone. Scanning also ensures careful handling and protection of scanned objects. (1) "Hawk Eye" matrix point-to-point scanning and book2net image acceleration technology allow high-definition image capture to be completed instantly. A0 format 400dpi scan takes only 0.3 seconds (2) Unique "Eagle Eye" matrix sensor point-to-point scanning technology, durable and capable of imaging more than 300 million times (3) Micrbox's century-long image processing experience has created iscan's perfect color reproduction technology. According to Metamorfoze and NARA international standards, Iscan achieves the industry's highest standards in color reproduction and is far ahead of traditional linear sensing technologies. (4) Automatic lifting platform that can easily carry 180 kg of biological (5) Double-LED Fresnel lens stereo light source system, perfect for 3D surface scanning, easy collection of convex, corrugated, special inks, metallic colors and other media (6) Sound below 40 dB during work. Very quiet, you can even hear the sound of the needle landing Especially for severely damaged drawings and bookbinding large-format bookstores, the non-contact scanning method can save originals very well. Ultra high resolution guarantee line Bars are clear; precise physical accuracy eliminates the need for users to worry about image distortion. According to relevant statistics, the number of our museums can be more than 4,000, but the vast majority of museums are small and medium-sized museums. Due to technical and financial constraints, these small and medium-sized museums generally have unsound management and inadequate protection. The problem. Therefore, as a modern museum, we must formulate reasonable and scientific methods for the protection of cultural relics so as to provide stable preservation environment for these valuable historical relics. Only in this way can the ancient paintings and paintings not be corroded by nature, and the integrity of ancient cultures can be protected, so that these ancient paintings can be passed down from generation to generation to benefit future generations.